Closeup of a small, grey and white fluffy dog

Improving canine-human relationships all around the world

We're building the world's largest dog knowledge base and developing tools tailored for dog wellbeing at the same time.

Our process

1. Measure what methods are most helpful to dogs and their caretakers.
2. Give trainers a free platform to easily give their customers access to their training tools.
3. Gain scaleable insights on dogs across the globe.

Our motivation

Thirty percent of households worldwide have one or more dogs, amounting to between 700 million and one billion dogs globally.

In the United States alone, about 3 million dogs enter animal shelters annually, with the global figure being significantly higher. Unfortunately, many of these dogs are euthanized each year.

Up to 50% of dogs are rehomed due to problematic behaviours, grew larger than expected or developed health problems the owner could not handle.

We believe that with the right data, dog owners will be better equipped to make more informed decisions and dog professionals can provide better services for dog owners.

Black labrador looking loyally at the handler
Closeup of two majestic huskies against a snowy backdrop

Our vision

We're creating the world’s largest database for dog wellbeing to:

  • help dog owners build the best relationship with their dogs
  • keep dogs out of shelters
  • equip the dog community with data-driven insights
  • provide independent summaries of dog health and behavioural records

Be a part of the solution

Our prototype is live and data collection has already started!
We're working with key players in the industry and dog community to build our solution.

Meet our team

Face of a man called Rob and a black labrador called BalooRob
Face of a woman called Su Ann and a small furry dog called ChewieSu Ann
Face of a woman called Tess and two huskiesTess
Want to find out more?
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